Defibrillator Grants

Defibrillator Grants

We're proud to be funding Community Public Access Defibrillators in partnership with local communities.
  • The Yorkshire Ambulance Service Charity is funding community Public Access Defibrillators (cPADs) to increase a patient’s chance of survival, following cardiac failure, by enabling bystanders to respond before the ambulance arrives. 
  • Sudden cardiac failure is the leading cause of premature death in the UK, but many lives can be saved with immediate treatment. The quicker defibrillation can be given the greater the chances of successful resuscitation are.


  • cPADs are defibrillators placed in public places accessible 24 hours a day. The defibrillators are placed in a locked cabinet, when a caller calls 999 they can be sent to that box. The device can be used while the Ambulance is on route increasing chances of a successful resuscitation.
  • cPADs are managed by local communities. They have Guardians who check the devices to ensure they are in working order.
  • The Yorkshire Ambulance Service Charity, part funds cPADs through our grant programme. We are keen to support communities across Yorkshire and the Humber who wish to install these devices.